Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Let Me Stand to Show That You Are Blind

When my sister majored in Drama in university, she was in numerous productions, musical and otherwise (mostly otherwise, although she's a very good singer). In her third or fourth year (maybe second), she was in a production of Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Saw There. It was incredibly well done. But that's not the point. The point is, one of the songs that would play during intermission was this incredible song by a band who pretty much gave birth to Alternative music. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about! This amazing song is "I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground (and, of course, Nico).

If you don't know what I'm talking about when I say "and Nico," then do some research. It's actually quite interesting; it'll be worth your while.