Sunday, September 27, 2009

I've Got Honey on My Hands From When I Held You

We were on our way home. It was late. I don't remember where we coming from, but I remember what towns we were between. The commercial came on. Someone changed the station. It was an alright song, so we left it. The song ended. Another began. And this other song. I had never heard it before. But it was... it was amazing! When we got home, we rushed to computers. We found the radio station's website, checked the schedule, found out who it was and what the song was called.
This was a few years ago, I think. Just yesterday, I was watching an episode of this great show called "Castle." If you haven't heard of it... Well, I'm not going to describe it, but look into it. Anyway, I started an episode and, just like any other episode, it started with a song. I didn't have high expectations, as the previous episode had started with a song by Pink. But this time... it was that song! Yes, it was "Jezebel" by Two Hours Traffic.

Yes, I know. There should be an apostrophe at the end of "Hours." And if it were up to me, there would be. Alas, that's not how the band named themselves.