Sunday, March 20, 2011


'Twas the day that I came back to school after Christmas. My mom was insisting that I get new black dress pants, because the ones I had already are too big for me now. Which is a good thing, I guess, but it meant I had to go clothes shopping. With my mom. Not my favourite thing. Anyway, whilst in The Gap, I heard a song that was pretty good.
(Un?)fortunately, I didn't know the song. All I could tell was some of the lyrics and that it was definitely the voice of Brandon Flowers of The Killers. Whether it was him or them I didn't know, but you know because of which one I put in boldface.
Anyway, I typed as many of the lyrics as I could hear/remember into a note on my phone (not really relevant to the story, but flip phones are the best phones), and when I got a chance (actually, that's a lie; it was when I finally remembered to), I typed the lyrics with the aforementioned singer's name into Google, and found out that it was a song called "Was it Something I Said?"

The wedding-ness of the beginning of the song has actually cause me to associate the song in my head with Kill Bill. Ruh roh.