Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Reaper, He Reaches and Touches My Hand...

Last night, my sister and I went to see the new Harry Potter film, The Half-Blood Prince. I was surprised at its quality; then again, I haven't read the book in a while. There were three previews. The first was for Sherlock Holmes, with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. It actually looks really good, and kind of funny. I wonder if they worked Holmes's heroin addiction into the plot... Anyway, the second was some weird kids' film. But the third! Remember that book you had when you were a kid, "Where the Wild Things Are?" Well I do. It was great, and they're making it into a film. I was excited to begin with, but now that I've seen the preview, I'm even more excited. Well, it's more because I heard it... The song they used... I was shocked. I was surprised. I was ecstatic. I sang along for the whole trailer. They played "Wake Up" by The Arcade Fire. SUCH A GOOD SONG!!! I don't know how to properly express my feeling towards this song, and this band! They're just so amazing!!!