Thursday, July 9, 2009

Just a Casual, Casual, Easy Thing

Have any of you ever seen the film "Moulin Rouge!"? It's good. It takes place during the Bohemian Revolution. It makes me think, "Man, I want to be Bohemian." That, in turn, reminds me of today's song, "Bohemian Like You" by The Dandy Warhols. It's oldish ('90s) but it's really good.
Another one of their songs was featured on an episode of "The O.C." when Summer and Ana were friends and ignoring Seth. What a great show!
When in Paris, I saw the Moulin Rouge itself.

We didn't go in, but we saw it. We also saw a museum with an Andy Warhol exhibit going on. Alas, the museum was not on the tour, so we could not attend. Poo.


Lisa said...

Is this blog solely about music?

Thomas Krol said...

Why, yes. Yes it is.