Saturday, March 6, 2010

Finally! (Though That's not Relevant)

Finally! I finally watched "Juno." And it's so good!
But that's neither here nor there when it comes to "St. Crispin's Got Our Backs."
Now, I was wondering if St. Crispin is actually a guy and yes, turns out he is. He and his brother, St. Crispinian, are patron saints of cobblers, tanners (of leather), leather workers, and... the leather subculture. You know, like in that one episode of "Arrested Development" (which, by the way, had main characters played by Jason Bateman and Michael Cera, both of whom were in "Juno"). In the third century (the 200s) they preached Christianity to Gauls by day and made shoes by night. You know, until Rictus Varus tortured and beheaded them. Ah, well. A day in the life.
Anyway, I wonder if The All New Adventures of Us talked at all about that...