Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Mad-cap Musical Romp! ... Good! ... Fun!

When Jack finda out he has three possible dads, Liz excitedly realizes it's a Mamma Mia! She advises herself not to force it, and to "just let it happen," and then convinces Jack to invite them under some false pretence to New York. He agrees to meet with them, but assures Liz that that's all he's promising. Then Liz tells him, "And all I'm promising is 'a mad-cap musical romp! Dot-dot-dot Good! Dot-dot-dot Fun!' ....... It said that on the poster." I wish Liz Lemon could be my best friend.
Anyway, one of my favourites from it is "Take a Chance on Me." (I had to go back and make sure it wasn't the ABBA song I had previously featured; I tend to forget these things.)

It's also the song that Andy uses to ask Angela out on The Office, which makes it even better!